
I felt like revisiting the ‘superhero as gorilla’ idea again. I had a ton of fun doing the sketches I did with them earlier this year…. so I thought I’d do another one or two as the mood hits me. This time around, I chose to do a gorilla version of DAREDEVIL– THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR. It may have been more appropriate to draw him as a chimpanzee rather than a big hulking gorilla (hulking…. hmmm… that brings another character to mind) do to the agility and athletic ability that DAREDEVIL has– but I just enjoy drawing gorillas much more than I do chimps.

OK… I’m gonna have to keep it pretty brief today. I’m back to work…!

This is Entry 296.




I haven’t done anything for Halloween myself in many years… but I know that there are many folks that still do– children and adults alike. So in honor of these folks who put on the colorful costumes and prowl the neighborhoods in search of candy and fun, I thought I’d do a monster-theme for today’s sketch. I chose the ‘Big 3’ of Frankenstein’s Monster, the Wolfman and Dracula for the drawing. I know that there are folks who’ll ask ‘Where’s The Mummy…. and where’s the Creature from the Black Lagoon…?’ Believe me, if I’d had the time, I would have added them as well, but I had to keep it brief. If you feel like naming your favorite monster/scary creature or movie or book in the comments section, please feel free. I’d love to see what makes your blood run cold.

Since the 31st falls on Tuesday, I assume that most kids and adults who love Halloween will be doing their thing tomorrow night. As I said, I don’t do the costume thing anymore… but for me, Saturday will mark another day– the end of Daylight Savings Time. I always dread that day. It means that it gets dark around 6 PM instead of a bit later. I drive into the gym at about 5:30 PM every weekday, and it’s rather depressing to see the sun beginning to set just as I’m leaving the house– and it’s pitch black by the time I leave. I’m one of those folks who gets the ‘blues’ during the winter months and can’t wait for warmer– and lengthier daylit– seasons to arrive. Ah, well– only a few months until spring…..

Have a great weekend.

This is Entry 295.




Anybody reading FEAR AGENT…? This is another book that, although it’s doing pretty well compared to some of the other independent titles out there, is still deserving of more attention and sales. Rick Remender, Tony Moore and Jerome Opena are creating a wonderful, pulp-style science fiction comic in the EC tradition— but with much more of an edge (and some rather adult situations). Rick is trying to expose the comics business to a wider variety of subject matters and genres with his personal work– books like STRANGE GIRL, NIGHT MARY and SEA OF RED are riding a crest of new creators and creations who are really trying to get beyond the cape-and-long-underwear subject matter, but still keep a sense of adventure and action involved in their work. Guys like Rick, my buddy Jeff Parker (with INTERMAN) and Robert Kirkman (with WALKING DEAD) are a new generation of writers and writer/artists who’s tastes extend beyond (but don’t exclude) the superhero genre– and it’s no wonder that their intelligent writing is getting noticed… and used… by those very superhero companies like Marvel and DC.

The latest issue of FEAR AGENT– issue 8– is a particularly enjoyable issue, with some insight into Heath’s (the main character) past and how he came to be who he is in the situation he’s in. The artwork by Jerome Opena is just wonderful… and there’s a backup story by Hilary Barta and Paul Renaud… it’s beautiful and fun. It’s been revealed recently that FEAR AGENT will be moving from IMAGE COMICS to DARK HORSE. I’m hoping very much that this move won’t impact the sales of the book…. my personal perception is that DH doesn’t promote many books very effectively beyond their big franchises of STAR WARS, CONAN, HELLBOY and maybe THE GOON. I hope that they’ll put a lot of promotional muscle behind FEAR AGENT…. I’d hate to see this book get lost in the DH shuffle.

So go out and buy the trade that collects the first 4 issues that IMAGE released recently. See how cool this book is for yourselves!

This is Entry 294.




I think one of the most frustrating things to me about the comics business is when I see a comic book– done by an amazingly talented creator (or creative team)– that doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves. One such book is THE PORTENT by Peter Bergting and published by IMAGE COMICS. Peter, I believe, makes the bulk of his living from magazine and game illustration– but fortunately for us, he also does comics. THE PORTENT is a quest fantasy story that has a blend of eastern and western visual elements. Peter’s artwork is a wonder to behold. There are Mignola influences to the way Peter handles light and shadow in his linework– and Peter does everything in this book… writing, penciling, inking and coloring. The colors are a perfect and gorgeous match for Peter’s moody linework– and the story is epic and moving. Anyone who is a fan of the fantasy genre– and anyone who is a fan of great artwork and writing in general– would be doing themselves a favor by buying this book. Lucky for us all, Peter and IMAGE are releasing the miniseries as a trade coming soon… and Peter was kind enough to ask me to draw a pinup for the collection. Unfortunately, I did have the time in my schedule to do the kind of finished piece I wanted to– but I was able to draw as finished a sketch as I could one recent morning. I thought I’d share it here with you folks.

And PLEASE, PLEASE…. go out and buy the trade of THE PORTENT when it hits shelves. It deserves your attention…. it’s a wonderful book.

This is Entry 293.


LOST Friday 2-fer…


In honor of this past weekend’s episode of LOST, I decided to leave you this week with a sketch of LOCKE. This guy– played by the actor Terry O’Quinn– was the most fun to draw of all the characters so far. O’Quinn’s got such an interesting face that it’s impossible not to enjoy sketching him. And as he plays the LOCKE character, he’s got an underlying madness and desperation in his eyes that’s very compelling. And as a bonus sketch– because I’ve got to keep the text so brief this time– I’m also including everyone’s favorite anti-social bad boy from the island, SAWYER. When I’m doing these sketches, I usually pull up as many GOOGLE searched jpegs of the characters as I can fit on my computer desktop, and study them and try to extrapolate a shot from the lot. With the guy who plays SAWYER, I just couldn’t get a handle on it, and in frustration, I tried to just draw him from memory. Oddly enough, I got a better result by doing that than by trying to look at his pictures.


OK, all… that’s it for another week. Have a great weekend.

This is Entry 292.
