Today’s nugget mined from the ore of childhood memories and characters is a bad guy named BUZZ SAW. He had circular saws mounted on his wrists, much in the same way that the GLADIATOR villain character from DAREDEVIL did. I don’t really remember which of my many knock-off good guys I might have devised BUZZ for…. maybe none of them in particular. It’s possible that I just created him in case I needed him for something. I created a TON of these kinds of characters for no particular reason other than the fact that they were on my mind at the time. “OH– it would be cool to have a bad guy with circular saws mounted on his wrists…!” And, WALLAH…. there’s BUZZ SAW. If I didn’t make the file of the childhood drawing TOO small, you might be able to see the faint image of another utility bad guy on the back called THE BLUE DANGER. I’ll probably work him up some time as well. I used to use both sides of the paper I had to work with because at times, it could get scarce, as much feverish sketching as I used to do as a kid. I wish sometimes that I had the energy and drive I had then NOW.
So here’s the original followed by the update:
As you probably saw, if you checked out the HEROES AREN’T HARD TO FIND FCBD mini site from my last post, I had the honor of sitting next to my buddy and old studio mate Casey Jones for our signing and sketching marathon. It was a blast to sit with Casey and joke and cut up (when we weren’t TOO caught up in what we were doing) as well as reminisce about our days in the old studio. Well, Casey just completely redesigned his web site. He’s one heck of an artist, so do yourself a favor and go ogle his terrific sketches and commissions. You’ll be glad you did.
OK… see you next time.