Alas, poor BOOSTER– we knew ye well….


The carnage continues, it seems, over at DC, with the death of BOOSTER GOLD in the latest issue of 52. I’m beginning to think that ‘DC’ should start standing for ‘DEATH COMICS’. That’s a little harsh, I know. Both DC and Marvel make a regular habit of killing characters these days– and for all I know, there will be a new person stepping in to become a new BOOSTER and launch a new series, like they’ve done with BLUE BEETLE. Hmmm…. there’s someone high up at DC who’s got something against the color blue, maybe…?

I have a small piece of history with BOOSTER GOLD myself. Back in — I think– 1994, Brian Augustyn– then editor of FLASH, JUSTICE LEAGUE and more at DC– asked me to come up with a new design for BOOSTER’S costume. He wanted something more mech-like…. something more high-tech. What I came up with was eventually voted (if memory serves me well) as one of the 10 WORST COSTUMES EVER DESIGNED by the editors of WIZARD MAGAZINE…. and rightly so.

I suppose that long awaited BLUE AND GOLD series starring BLUE BEETLE and BOOSTER GOLD in a ‘buddy film’ type comic will never happen now. Rest In Peace, BOOSTER. You were a fun, if rather unnecessary character.

This is Entry 268.


CREATURES III — Fauns, Satyrs and anthropomorphic characters


Another creature of myth and fantasy is the Faun– or Satyr. These woodland folk have played a big part in such wonderful fantasies as LEGEND and the classic CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. Although most associated with flute playing and wine swilling– and the embodiment of lust and debauchery–they represent something else for me: the mix of magic and nature in the realm of myth and fantasy. I’ve always been fascinated by anthropomorphic and animalistic characters and their connection to nature. It’s one of the reasons I wanted to include anthropomorphic characters in the world of TELLOS. I think that tigers are some of the most beautiful animals this world has to offer– and it’s a tragic shame that they are on the verge of extinction. That’s where the inspiration for the visuals for KOJ came. In the real world, mankind has a penchant for the destruction or perversion of nature. The elements of fantasy that deal with man living in harmony– and in some cases being bonded with –nature are very appealing to me.

That’s it for another week…. have a great weekend, all.

This is Entry 267.


CREATURES II– Sprites and Faeries


Another popular inhabitant of many fantasy tales is the Faerie. From PETER PAN to LEGEND to Todd’s and my own TELLOS comic, faeries play pivotal roles in many stories of magic and fantasy. In TELLOS, we had a faerie named Dani– a character that was based on Todd’s then girlfriend who was also named (duh) Dani. In TELLOS, the faerie community specialized in message/mail delivery– and that service they provided ended up being a major factor in the final conflict that took place at the end of that first series.

OK… I’ve got a ton of work to do, so just a quick in-and-out today.

This is Entry 266.




The thing I like so much about fantasy and mythology is that those myriad worlds of the imagination and lore are so filled with fun and interesting creatures that just don’t exist in our own grounded, mundane and ordered world. I think that’s why gaming systems like WORLD OF WARCRAFT and DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS are so very popular. There are many people who wish that our world was filled with these creatures– they long to see unicorns frolicking in a meadow, or faeries flitting through the sunlight streaming between the leaves and branches of the forest, or dragons soaring overhead on their way to somewhere we can only imagine. It’s the kind of desire for something beyond our own existence that fuels the belief that the LOCH NESS MONSTER or BIGFOOT/YETI or the CHUPACABRA exist.

Personally, I prefer to keep these creatures in the realm of imagination. Who needs dragons scorching your roof as they buzz by….? These creatures, as enchanting and mesmerizing as they may be, would be pretty frightening (and menacing, in some cases) if they really existed. Fun to think about, though…..

This is Entry 265.


POTTER WEEK comes to a close


I wanted to draw more of the cast from HARRY POTTER… Hagrid and Professors Dumbledore and Snape would be fun…. but I’ve got a lot to do today, so I thought I’d take Xav’s suggestion and whip up a quick sketch of a younger Harry engaged in that most exciting of wizardly sports, QUIDDICH. So this will wind up the improptu POTTER WEEK here on the blog. John Higashi’s exhortation for me to get obsessed with TELLOS instead of other subjects hit home….. so I’ll probably be doing more sketches of Todd’s and my own cast of colorful characters. I don’t want to turn this into a strictly TELLOS related blog…. but John, your point is well taken.

OK, folks– have a great weekend.

This is Entry 264.
