
Who knew that BATGIRL was such a popular character? I don’t know who or what started it, but drawings of BATGIRL have started popping up all over the internet. And you can find a massive list of tons of them HERE. It looks as though the majority of folks getting into the swing are LIVEJOURNAL members. Maybe that’s why it’s so widespread…. but it certainly has become one of the most fun and interesting memes I’ve seen in a long time. It’s wonderful to see all the different designs that folks came up with. Who knew there were so many variations on a theme….?

There’s a 5 page preview of the first issue of the new LIONS, TIGERS AND BEARS miniseries over at NEWSARAMA.. This is another book that deserves wider attention in line with the books I’ve been pointing out over the last few posts. LTB is one of those wonderful titles that an adult can enjoy for the great writing and sheer excitement of the story by Mike Bullock… and a kid can thrill to for those very reasons along with the amazingly imaginative premise and artwork by Jack Lawrence. I’m hoping that eventually these guys will get this book into major bookstore chains to give more folks a chance to see it.

This is Entry 185.


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