Archive for May 12th, 2006

SENTRY… Gorilla-style….


Frank Cho’s got a brand new message board. I’ve long been a huge fan of Frank’s work– and in recent years I’ve become friends with him as well… so I love to visit his board and interact with Frank and the people there. Recently, Frank asked folks to post some images of the Marvel SENTRY character’s most recent costume for some new big, secret project he’s got in the works at the ‘Big M’. I’m also a HUUUUUUUUGE fan of Art Adams (who isn’t…?)– and I love it when he does the illustrations he does where he turns various superheroes into gorilla versions. He’s done it for both Marvel and DC… as well as some commissions, I believe. I also know that Frank’s a huge gorilla and monkey fan (he has the nickname MONKEYBOY, after all….) so I thought it would be fun to draw the SENTRY character as a gorilla and post it in his thread calling for images of the costume.

It was fun to do– and I hope that Frank and the folks at his forum get a kick out of it.

OK– that’s it for another week… have a great weekend, folks.

This is Entry 226.
