
Tom has often asked in the comments section if I’m ever going to be offering a sketchbook for sale– and in yet another little tidbit of HEROES CON news/self-hype…. I present the cover to my very first CONVENTION SKETCHBOOK. Entitled (as if you couldn’t see for yourself) GORILLAS IN SPANDEX AND OTHER SKETCHES, this is my first foray into what has become very much a con mainstay of artists offering printed parts of themselves for sale. The book will have a cardstock cover and 24 interior pages with the dimensions of 5.5 x 8.5 inches (the standard for these things).

So…. if you’re going to be in Charlotte for HEROES and your interested, I’ll have them for sale.

That’s it for this week.

This is Entry 244.


Wanna buy some FANTASTIC FOUR art….?


I told you I’d share some other HEROES CON news and images with you as the show grew closer– so today I’ve got another tidbit to relate to you. At this years show, the HEROES folks are going to be offering a portfolio for sale featuring work by several attending artists– folks like Cully Hamner, Brian Stelfreeze, Randy Green, George Perez… and myself. The original artwork from this portfolio will then be offered at the annual HEREOS CON ART AUCTION for interested buyers to bid on. I thought I’d everyone a look at the FANTASTIC FOUR piece I did for the portfolio/auction…. and a preview for those folks who will both be attending the show and are also interested in bidding on original art.

Also– since Marvel released the solicitations and art for their September offerings, I thought I’d share the cover I drew for issue 12 of FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN. It feels reminiscent of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER to me for some reason.

That’s it for today.

This is Entry 243.



I woke up this morning, and the very first thing that popped into my head was this image…. I don’t know why. I felt immediately compelled to draw it. I know it’s MARVEL BOY…. but I don’t know why I’d be thinking about him. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this kind of drive to draw something before… it’s like I wasn’t completely in control of my own mind or something. Strange.

I feel better now, though…..

This is Entry 242.


HEREOS CON’S right around the corner….!


The annual HEROES CON in Charlotte, North Carolina is just a couple of weeks away at this point…. and the guest list is absolutely HUGE this time around. I think that this will the THE comic book show to attend on the East Coast this year. I’m thrilled at the prospect of meeting and talking with some pros that I’ve only ever had email… or no… communication with. It’s the thing that always has excited me about being a part of the comic book industry– meeting fellow artists and writers I admire.

Each year, Shelton Drum and company publish a great program book for the show chock-full of artwork. Each year has a theme, and this year’s is CAPTAIN AMERICA and SUPERMAN. I’m working on some other things for the show (that I’ll share a bit closer to the show date) so I didn’t have time to do a completed inked piece…. but I did whip up a tight pencil sketch for the book. I thought I’d share it here with you folks.

Have a great weekend, all.

This is Entry 241.


Archive time….!


I don’t know how many people remember HERO MAGAZINE– but i thought it would be fun to post this cover I did for that late, lamented (and very short-lived) periodical…. done some 10 years ago, I think. WIZARD MAGAZINE has always ruled the roost as far as slick, comic-book-centric monthlies go…. and they’ve rarely been challenged. It was exciting, back then, to see HERO come out and try to go head-to-head with them. This business is one of very little competition… and so any time something comes along to offer an alternative to what’s the norm, it’s a good thing. Competition is supposed to be a good thing for the consumer in any venue– and it was exciting to think that someone might give the WIZARD folks a run for their money. I mentioned that HERO MAG was short lived— because they never did seem to be able to make any inroads into the market. Although they had great production values, they suffered from a chaotic layout style in their format. Most of all, though, I think their demise came about because the fans who were mesmerized by WIZARD MAGAZINE were unwilling to try anything new. Much like the present comic book market, in which very few fans are willing to give anything beyond MARVEL and DC fare a try. It’s sad and frustrating.

HERO MAGAZINE was just one symptom of that mentality that’s plagued this business for a loooooong time.

This is Entry 240.
