Still on my mind
Anyone who bought the issue of DRAW! magazine from a couple years back that had the interview with me contained in its pages more than likely saw a bunch of developmental sketches from a project that has been swirling around in my mind for many years. Heck, I remember talking about it with my buddy Todd Dezago back in 2000 when we were attending the COMICON in San Diego together during the launch time of the ill-fated GORILLA COMICS line. I’m not going to go into specific details about the themes or motivations of the characters (a handful of whom appear in today’s sketch)– but let’s just say that I’ve always wanted to do a very dark, almost apocalyptic story about some young people who discover they have special powers trying to save humanity in a story that involves lots of destruction of buildings and throwing of cars and stuff. Something that’s kind of an anime/manga inspired tale of horror and destruction.
So since the idea keeps bubbling up to the surface in my head once in a while, I thought it would be fun to do this sketch of the main characters. It’s a little on the rough side, but I didn’t have that much time.
Hey, do yourselves a favor and go check out the cool forum over at my buddy Jamar Nicholas’s JNN (JAMAR NICHOLAS NETWORK) …. it’s got sections for a lot of great comics guys like Mike Hawthorne (artist on the new MACHINE TEEN mini at MARVEL), Mike Norton (artist of the GRAVITY series at MARVEL), Scott Cohn (artist of the KILLER STUNTS mini from ALIAS) as well as my buddy Jamar himself. It’s a fun place, so give it a look!
OK…. that’s it for now.
This is Entry 122