Anatomy of a sketchbook cover

Over the next week, I’m going to be giving you an ‘inside look’ at a personal project I’ve decided to undertake. I have long wanted to publish a sketchbook to sell and offer up not only ‘hard copies’ of some of the sketches I’ve presented here on my blog over the past couple of years, as well as some of the stuff in my gallery section– but also some stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day (admittedly much less of THAT kind of thing, since most of my sketching has become fodder for this here forum). And so I’m posting the sketch for the eventual cover to the sketchbook that I’ll have printed. In a couple of days, I’ll show you the finished inks and then eventually the colors for that cover. So today, here’s the sketch:


As time goes on and I get closer to finding out exactly WHERE and HOW I’m going to be offering the sketchbook for sale, I’ll let you know how you can get your hands on it, should you want to.

Incidentally, I just tallied up the total, and today’s post marks the 115th post I’ve made since I started this blog. I regret missing the ‘100th episode’ mark point…. but it’s still fun to note the number.

OK… that’s it for today.


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