Archive for June 21st, 2006

Wanna buy some FANTASTIC FOUR art….?


I told you I’d share some other HEROES CON news and images with you as the show grew closer– so today I’ve got another tidbit to relate to you. At this years show, the HEROES folks are going to be offering a portfolio for sale featuring work by several attending artists– folks like Cully Hamner, Brian Stelfreeze, Randy Green, George Perez… and myself. The original artwork from this portfolio will then be offered at the annual HEREOS CON ART AUCTION for interested buyers to bid on. I thought I’d everyone a look at the FANTASTIC FOUR piece I did for the portfolio/auction…. and a preview for those folks who will both be attending the show and are also interested in bidding on original art.

Also– since Marvel released the solicitations and art for their September offerings, I thought I’d share the cover I drew for issue 12 of FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN. It feels reminiscent of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER to me for some reason.

That’s it for today.

This is Entry 243.
