
I’ve been hearing/reading that the contact page on the web site isn’t working right now. I’ve sent an email to the folks who built the site to ask them to look into it for me. Hopefully, it will be working again soon. To be completely honest, I don’t answer much of the email I get from the site…. but rest assured I certainly read it all. I just don’t have the time to answer every email that comes my way. But I love hearing what’s on peoples’ minds, so I do want to get the contact page up and running again.

It’s also been brought to my attention that the link to the forum takes you to the BOOM! STUDIOS forum on CBR. I thought this had been fixed some time ago… but either it wasn’t, or something has gone wrong again. I’ll ask the web folks to look into that as well. OK… I’m going to have to keep it very short this time… I’m completely snowed under with trying to finish the issue I”m working on by the middle of this week. So hopefully I’ll have a longer post next time.

This is Entry 204.


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