Archive for January 5th, 2006



I’ve been talking with Todd Dezago– TELLOS co-creator and great friend– about various TELLOS related things lately. One of them has been the possibility of creating a slip-case in order to offer the two TELLOS trades together with as a nice package with new art done for the covering. Apparently there are still several hundred copies of each trade left at the IMAGE warehouse (which is really DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS, but it sounds cooler thinking that IMAGE houses them). I did a piece based on the protagonists from our little fantasy world and actually inked and colored it myself. But I couldn’t remember if I had posted it here or not. I know that the colors didn’t come out as well as I’d like…. but it was one of my first attempts in using Photoshop to color, so I think I was a little too ambitious in that first try. But until I can go back and look at the archives in BLOGGER to see if I actually posted the cover– or someone who’s been reading long enough to be able to refresh my memory– I’ll post this sketch I did for the opposite side of the slip-case with the bad guys from TELLOS.

I’m not sure whether the slip-case idea will ever happen… but I CAN tell you that Todd and I continue to talk about future TELLOS projects. My desire to revisit those characters has been growing of late. I don’t know what brought it on…. well, actually, I DO know what brought it on, but that would entail engaging in a rant that could possibly get me in some hot water in certain circles. So I’ll just keep my (virtual) mouth shut.

That’s it for today.

This is entry 180 (coming up on 200 soon…!).
