Archive for July 14th, 2006



Here’s another piece that I did before heading to HEROS CON a couple of weeks back. It’s of the MAN OF STEEL out on a mission with his best friend KRYPTO. In all, I got seven pieces finished for the show…. and I think this is the sixth I’ve shared so far. Incidentally, this piece is also up on eBay right now. The picture of the piece, however, is not a scan, but a shot of it at an angle on a table… so here’s a better look at it.


I thought I’d share another piece with you today as well– a bonus bit, if you will. Recently, the talented and lovely Howard Shum sent me a scan of inks he had done over a sketch of SPIDERBOY I posted here not too long ago. Not only was I thrilled and honored that Howard would take time out of his busy schedule of writing, inking and producing comics and short films to do this, I really liked the results. So I thought I’d share it here with you. If you haven’t read Howard’s GUN FU comic that features a hip-hop speaking Asian secret agent in the employ of the British Queen during WW II, you should really seek it out. It’s funny and very well done.

That’s all for another week. I hope you all have a great weekend.

This is Entry 252.
