Archive for April 7th, 2006

Unused FRIENDLY cover sketch

This is a sketch I did for the cover to FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #5 that was ultimately rejected. My idea was to create a montage that would encompass more of a concrete idea of what the story was about… and to show a bit of good old SPIDER-MAN action pitting him against THE VULTURE– which was one of the scenes that took place in the comic. I really enjoy the montage idea for covers because it’s a more fun exercise in composition and juggling the various elements that end up included in the mix. Ultimately, the editors decided that they wanted SPIDER-MAN to look more menacing to the Vanna character, which is how she viewed him in the story. I thought it would be fun to share a ‘behind the scenes’ rejected cover idea with you.

Have a great weekend.

This is Entry 213.
