≡ (Another) unused cover sketch day
I’m looking forward to hearing the many COMICON reports I will (HOPEFULLY!) be getting from my various comics buddies who made the show. Parker at MYSTIFYING ORACLE always teams up with Steve Leiber for great ones– so I’ll let you know when they get theirs up and running. Hopefully I’ll be getting phone calls from some of the others, like Scott Kurtz, Robert Kirkman, Scottie Young and others soon. If not, I’ll call THEM! I gots ta live vicariously through others…!
Not much by way of links and such today– but I’m throwing up a few more cover sketches that didn’t make the cut, so to speak. The first one is another FANTASTIC FOUR sketch that I originally did for issue #509. They wanted to go with more of a total group shot– so here’s the rejected sketch.
The next two sketches are for the FLASH and IMPULSE issue of the SINS OF YOUTH 5th week event that DC COMICS published some years back. I was lucky enough to be asked to draw the covers for the entire event (I think some 7 covers in all– plus another one for the eventual trade). I went through many versions of each cover before we settled (well, THEY settled) on the ones they liked. So–here are the ones for FLASH and IMPULSE that didn’t make the grade.
OK– that’s it for today. Just a quickie.
See you tomorrow.