Kick in the side
Today’s post is of a rejected sketch I did for a comic called SIDEKICKS created by J. Torres (writer) and Takeshi Miyazawa (artist). It’s a great book that I took to immediately– and I was thrilled when C.B. Cebulski (then Publisher of FANBOY ENTERTAINMENT– now Marvel Editor) asked me to do a cover for the book. It gave me the opportunity to draw in a more cartoony manner than I usually do for my “mainstream” work– and it’s more natural and more indicative of the kind of work I’d like to do on a regular basis…. if I weren’t fearful that it would alienate me from that very “mainstream” market.
Over at MYSTIFYING ORACLE, Parker has put up a map of the layout for the COMICON INTERNATIONAL in San Diego this year. I head heard from several folks in the comics creative community of what a “ghetto” that Artist’s Alley has become at that show– but until I saw this little map of the show floor layout, I really didn’t have much of an idea just HOW MUCH OF A GHETTO it has been turned into. As the show quickly morphs year to year into more of a venue for film and gaming (card and video) companies to strut their wares, it’s sad to think that what was once the most exciting and lucrative show in the country for comic book creators and publishers is pushing those very folks who’s presence helped to build the COMICON into what it is today to the side like unwanted red-headed step children. Ah, well– I’ve always got my memories of my first experiences there in 1991 and 1992 to keep with me.
There’s a cool interview with a new buddy of mine, Skottie Young over at NEWSARMA. Skottie is a great new young talent– and his growth is amazing week by week to watch– and he’s incredibly enthusiastic about the comics medium and its potential. He’s one to watch.
I stumbled onto an interview with Kazu Kibuishi over at SILVER BULLET COMICBOOKS. It’s about the incredible anthology, FLIGHT, he’s helming that’s coming out soon from IMAGE COMICS — as well as another project of his called DAISY CUTTER coming soon from VIPER COMICS. I haven’t been so excited by an upcoming comic as I am about the FLIGHT anthology in a looooong time. As I said to Kazu in a message board post not too long ago, I think FLIGHT is going to be one of the greatest comic book “experiences” to be had for quite some time. What I’ve seen so far in previews is just breathtakingly gorgeous.
OK–my head is spinning from coding all the links, so it’s back to work for me.